Smart logistic solutions for your business
For each maintenance intervention on gas turbine, steam turbine, centrifugal and reciprocating compressors and rotating machines, our company has containers equipped with modern tools suitable for a perfect execution of the works.
In the assembly sector of compression gas plants, cogeneration plants and petrochemical plants Celgas has the necessary means and equipment for a perfect execution of the works.
For each maintenance and assembly plant we have technicians and equipment for the complete electro-instrumental assembly.

Edison – Terni – ITALY
ANSALDO – SIEMENS V64.3A steam turbine general overhaul

Scogat- Sbikha – TUNISIA
Turbocompressor upgrade on unit TK1

Pipe spools replacement on C400, C500 and C600

Eggendorf – AUSTRIA
UCP Upgrade to MKVIeS PGT25 DLE

ENI -Taranto – ITALY
M6001 general overhaul, Gear Box, auxiliary Gear Box e auxiliary systems

ENI – Sannazzaro – ITALY
MS 5001PA general overhaul + auxiliaries + flushing assistance

Snam Rete Gas- Istrana – ITALY
LT12 turbine replacement

EXXON Mobil- Grossenkneten – GERMANY
Electric generator installation and commissioning assistance

KPMG Gas Storage – Mogilno – POLAND
General overhaul on no° 2 BCL compressors

Piattaforma Adriatic LNG – ITALY
GE10 Hot parts inspection

Piattaforma Adriatic LNG – ITALY
GE 10 Combustion chamber revision

Snam Rete Gas di Gallese – ITALY
Gas generator replacement